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A New Leaf, new life, new beginning.

Being pregnant at any age can be an overwhelming and scary experience. However, our fears should not change or give us a different view on the little miracle that is growing inside of us. Everyone has a purpose in this world and all babies enrich the world with their presence.

What if you are given the opportunity to carry your unborn child to term and never give for adoption, what if you had support from a family that will care about the well being of you and your unborn child throughout your pregnancy, what if you had a family that will help you get your life back on track so you can better able to care of you and child.

What if there are child care services readily available for you 24 hours to help you with parenting and child care while you go to school, study for your exams, have to work overtime and still have the peace of mind that you young one is in better hands.

What if you will have a team of mentor, coach, caregivers available to work with you through career planning, child upbringing, financial planning to ensure secure life for you and your young one? what if with the help of our certified family counselors available to work with you and your loved ones reunite and build a happy and healthy relationship, would you still consider abortion as an option?

The timing was not perfect, financial difficulties, lack of support from family, significant other, friends, fear of being judged or shunned by the community, fear of disappointing our loved ones but the thought that he might have ended up in a hospital garbage container, is far more overwhelming than anything else a teen parent has to face.

As a result, this causes a lot of you teen parents to regret caring their unborn babies to full term and choose the option of abortion. Many young mothers and teen choose this path as they believe this is the best and safest way as their don’t want to bring their children in this world and let them suffer, worse yet, give them up for adoption.

According to young teen mothers, giving up their children for adoption is a form of a bad mother.

The benefits this program provides are:

Early Childhood Education

Applying for sources of funding

Housing Services

Meeting basic needs

Continuing Education

Legal Assistance

Financial Management

Counseling Services

To Inquire More About Our Program, Please Fill Form Below

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